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Many things that we love about The Chapel are only possible because of the people who serve—from the fresh coffee to the live worship music & the friendly faces in the nursery. Find your place to serve!

We are all gifted to serve.



A heart to serve...

We get the most joy & make the biggest difference when we use our God-given abilities to build the church. Just like our bodies are made of many parts serving specific functions, the church is made up of people with different skills and abilities. Alone these pieces aren’t very useful, but together we create something beautiful. 
Serving is a form of worship, a way to express gratitude for what Jesus has done for us,  and to share the love and grace we've been given. 
-Liz Markley

First Impressions Team Lead

At The Chapel, we believe that people should fully understand something before they commit to it. Beginning the process of serving at a church can often feel like you are signing a life-long lease on a car that you know nothing about. So at The Chapel we offer what we call a First Serve.  It is our way of lowering the threshold with volunteering and helping people get a really good idea of what a serving commitment might be.


Sign-up for a First Serve and if you really feel called to serve in this ministry, great – if not, there is no obligation to do so. In fact, we encourage you to try a First Serve in other ministries until you find the one that really fits you.


Getting involved in serving is a big deal to us at The Chapel.  We're convinced that joining a volunteer team is one of the best ways that you can get connected with other people and grow spiritually in amazing ways. When we’re serving side by side with other people, a bond inevitably forms. This was part of God’s plan for how the church is supposed to work. God wants us to “spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together… but encouraging one another.” God doesn’t just want to work through you, He wants to work in you.


Listed below you will find all of the volunteer positions that we offer within the church and an explanation of what is involved in serving in each of these areas. If you are interested in using your skills to bless those outside The Chapel walls visit our OUTREACH page.



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