God in His grace gives us everything we need to thrive. He puts air in our lungs, joy in our hearts, and invites us to experience a life of freedom found in Him.
Generosity changes everything.
Because generosity changes everything! We believe that Christ followers who are pursuing generous lives not only enable Jesus’ mission in the world, but provide the clearest picture of God to others. It has always been true that people who work so hard to protect and preserve all they have end up losing it, while those who freely give from the resources they never claimed to own end up gaining more of what’s most important in this life and the life to come.
The leadership of The Chapel prayerfully and carefully decides what our budget will be. It is our desire to envision what God wants first, not what we think we will be able to afford. Most of the weekly giving goes to the General Operating Fund. This fund makes possible the day-to-day ministries, enabling our amazing staff and supporting our carefully selected community and global partnerships. From time to time we give opportunity to donate to special funds, to expand our reach both inside and outside our walls.
Several safe and secure methods of giving provide convenient ways to financially contribute to the campuses of The Chapel. During our weekend services, cash or checks can be placed in our giving envelopes and then put in the giving boxes located at each auditorium entrance/exit. Online giving allows the option to give a onetime or reoccurring contribution using a debit card, credit card or checking account. This option helps individuals and families remain faithful in their giving even when they are out of town or unable to attend a weekend service. All contributions are tax deductible.